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May 31, 1989     The Issaquah Press
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May 31, 1989
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Page 12 - The lssaquah Press, Wednesday, May 31, 1989 Lio 00,rty ba000000=.ball team mauled Deers state playoffs by Linda Thielke During football season, Liberty's Darin Newton and Jim Heilgeist would have simply tackled Jim Guiterrez from Burlington-Edison to take care of the problem. But unfortunately tackling is not allowed in baseball, and it was quarterback-pitcher Gui- terrez who aced the Patriots out of the state AA baseball championship last Friday in the Kingdome. Last November, Liberty used a one-point margin to oust Guiterrez and his Tiger teammates from the state AA football playoffs. On Friday, Guiterrez used a one-hitter to return the favor. "It was a great high school baseball game and Guiterrez is a great high school pitcher," said Liberty Coach Barry Aden of his team's 2-0 loss in the semi-finals. "When you run into someone who is that hot on the mound, he is tough to beat. He was just as tough a pitcher in the seventh as he was in the first." The game was the Patriots' first shut-out loss of the sea- son, and a season low in hits for the Liberty batters. Lib- erty's lone hit of the game was a nice stand-up double by pitcher Mike Erickson in the sixth inning, but none of his teammates could get anything else off the B-E ace. Guiterrez's fastball was especially deadly against the meat of Liberty's lineup. None of the hitters in the 2- 3-4-5 positions had any suc- cess against him. Newton, Glen Walker, Heilgeist and Liberty's Jim HeilgeMt wan caught looking an Burlington-Edison's ave on the mound threw yet another strike. Photo by Llnda Thlelke. bopped up." again until the fifth inning Despite Liberty's lack of when a B-E pinch runner hits, the Patriot defense held came home on a sacrifice fly, the Tigers tight throughout after advancing to third on a the game. Erickson pitched series of singles and sacri- strongly, scattering just rices. seven hits. With duiterrez on the The Patriots' one defensive mound, the Patriots never wall and a strike out; Whitle had a walk and two fly outs. "He really had us psyched out," said Heilgeist. "He was fast, but fast doesn't matter. He was throwing it right down the tube and we could- n't hit it. He just intimidated Steve White are used to us." mistake turned into a costly had a ch,ance to battle back. hammering opposing pitch- Aden said the large number one. In the first inning, a Erickson s double was one of ers for hits and homeruns, of long, high fly balls and centerfield miscommunica- the few times Liberty got on In three at-bats each: lack of grounders pointed up tion between fielders created a base. Newton struck out twice and Guiterrez's amazing velocity. Tiger triple. The first run Liberty's chance to play popped up once; Walker had "We weren't getting on top was scorl as Greg Saunders for third or fourth place in two walks a d a fly out, of the ball, said Aden. stole home onawddptch, the state was washed out " ' h " ° " " " " Hedgest ad a fly out, a Everythmg we ht was The Tgers did not score Saturday, when ram made Ann " ! i ounclng... °M00lls Music Manager s Late night Sale FRIDAY, JUNE 2nd 7 pna to 11 pm . * AT OUR ISSAQUAH LOCATION ONLY  185 FRONT STREET NORTH 392-4191 Come see our HUGE selection of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE at DTICALLY REDUCED PRICES f , ,  ,r,,   ' ' OIIQIESTRA INSTRUMENTS BAND INSTRUMENTS GUlTAilS, $BLI, KEYBOAIIDS  BACH Kurzweil YAMAHA CRATE CONN GETZEN J SELMER ,f Budokan YAMAHA Fender/Squire • l i i GEMEINHARDT ) i * Thunder 5 Piece Drum Sets at 112 Price $399.98 r 1 Bach Stradivaris / Silver trumpet at cost $732.45 * 1 Selmer super Action 80 Alto Saxophone at cost $2,025.00 r Getzen 700S Professional Trumpets at $595.00 r Gemeinhardt KG Special Flutes (Solid Silver Model) at 112 Price $797.50 r 1 Viola Glaesel at 1/2 Price $382.50 r 1 Everett Console Piano at 1/2 Price $1447.50 (Reg. at $2895.00) r 1 Kurzweil Electric Piano at $2999.95 Glaesel Violins Violas \\;\ Cellos 'sses ii • i ENTRY FORM Name Street Address Win one of these three great prizes! (one to be given away each hour) ) YAblAHA SE I10 ELECTRIC GUITAR YAMAHA PSS 270 KEYBOARD City / State / Zip Code 50o00 MERCHANDISE GIFT CERTIFICATE Telephone Number Age School Instrument Must be brought into store during sale hours on 6-2-89 to be eligible to enter drawing. One entry per person. Need not be present to win.   ,;,,;ii, .............  , , , , ,, fields at Bannerwood Park unplayable. Burlington-Edi- son ended up in second place. Prarie beat the Tigers, 5-4, in the finals on Saturday. Classified hottlne Call directs1.0 the classi- ids:pl?ce your next ad -- SUMMBR It's just around the corner. And Global Express has your ticket to fun for all! HAWAII RT air/'/nights hotel in W aikiki $4 =" from n .Y.7 RT air/7 days re tal i car fr°m 00358 DISNEYLAND Land-only packages incl. admission to Disneyland from 00121 Children 11 and under from $ 38 RENO R/r air/2 nightS hotel from  '169 LAS VEGAS RT air/2 nightS hotel from s183 VICTORIA RT via the Victoria Clipper/1 night at the newly remodeled, grand Empress Hotel from *143 Your Local Hawaii Experts 1590 N.W. Gilman Blvd. Meadows Shopping Center Extded Hours: M-F 8-6:30, Sat. 9-5 ed on double Prices are bus oc- cupancy and are subject to suppliers" restrictions and possible changes. Recreation Corner [::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::: Call the Issaquah Parks and Recreation Department at 391-1008 for more informa- tion on any of these classes. PRESCHOOL FUN Clay Capers, Stencil Fun, Pizza Party, Instant Actors, Crazy Cookies. HEALTH & FITNESS CPR, Super Sitters, Low- Impact Aerobics, Acupres- sure Facelift, A.M. Aerobics, Light Aerobics/Body Toning, Weight Loss & Shape Up. .SPORTS Jack 'n Jill Slowpitch League, Men's 35 & Older Slowpitch League, Men's 2rid Season Slowpitch League, 4th of July Hot Spot Shooters Contest, Softball Tournaments, Summer Ten- nis Lessons, Kids Summer Softball, Summer T-Ball, Open Play Outdoor Volley- ball, Karate, Summer Soccer Camp, Kids Summer Soccer, Youth Gymnastics Camp, Women's Slowpitch League. SPECIAL INTEREST Newsletters for Fun & Profit, Voice & Oral Read- ins/Kids, Yo-Yo Extrava- ganza!, Children's Sign Lan- guage, Handgun Orientation for Women, Photographic Modeling/Teens, Summer Beauty Clinic, Teen & Adult Social Club for the Devel- opmentally Disabled, Com- puter Skills for Children. CULTURAL ARTS Corsage & Boutonniere Workshop, Outdoor Concerts in the Park, Art of Fragrance Crafting, Woven Whatcha- ma-call-its, You Can Paint, Exploring with Clay, Cartooning for Fun. Computer class to be held at Issaquah Valley The Summer Quarter Is- saquah Parks and Recreation flyer for 1989 incorrectly printed the location of the "Computer Skills for Chil- dren." The classes will be held at Issaquah Valley Ele- mentary School, rather than Briarwood. The sessions are: Session A, August 7-11, 9 a.m.- noon; Session B, August 7- 11, 12:30-3:30 p.m.; Ses- sion C, August 14-18, 9 a.m.-noon. The classes are for ages 9- 14 and the fee is *55/session. Taught by Craig Schieber, the classes will allow a maximum of 14 students. Call 391-1008. Standings I: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PARKS & RECREATION MEN'S SLOWPITCH Big 9 League WL Rainiers/Alaska Copper 2 0 Sammamish Properties 2 0 Lloyd, 1 0 Miller American 1 0 Michelob/City Beverage 1 1 Gaslamp Tavern 0 1 Swift Transportation 0 1 Fischer Meats & Seafood 0 2 Issaquah Travel 0 2 CO-REC VOLLEYBALL W L Gamepoint 5 0 Jasmaniacs 4 1 Jasmaniacs II 4 1 The Petite Stables in Derek Anderson inn spe.eial one-day unction with the which will 1 lowing day. troublesome horses. He will only work with eight Classes of tiding and showing. For more The new 1-90 bridge will get Registration is $15 through June 2. There are forms are available at ore information, in the Washing b( I a• I OUTDOOR CC Jumpers 3 2 ,11 a. ]l ;IBm, RECREATION Krushers 3 2 It • Sharing Nature with Chil- Slow Start 3 2 dren, Herbwalk at Tradition Wizards of Oz 2 4 Lake, Evening Sea Kayak- City Circus 1 4 ins. TGIF 14 Ka dome. iI Chinese Restaurant & Lounge . _ | I ?o I I SZECHUAN. HUNAN. MANDARIN I • Heavy Italian Sterling Silver Bracelets |l ] Open7 days a week for dinner. Lunch, M-F ] Jewelry engraving done on premises[ ]/ I Combination Luncheon Specials i "Sterling Silver Graduation Charms i[ i Banquet Facilities. Orders To Go I " Mone00 C,00s • eorriogs !/ I Lunch Specials I .00,er,,o0,,,verO,o,os !/ I 15 excellent C°mbinati°n $-61 __ BElCh i Entrees to choose from. 1 | i I 391-9597 %,%=:t'° I w FULL SERVICE JEWELER S !/ 1. Meadows Shopping Center ,li l 1580N.W. Gilman Blvd., Issaquah .,al:$ Gilman Village , --,- ][ BEFORE YOU REMODEL NAIL DOWN A FIRST CLASS LOAN With our home equity loan, there's 24- hour loan approval and NO LOAN FEES.* Which means you save both time and money. Pacific First Federal Class" Service ,--. 1195 N.W. Gilman Blvd., Issaquah, 392-5000 * Through May 31, 1989. A luxur Y that's within reach Detail your car for the summer. Complete Detail Includes: • Degreasing & steam cleaning of engine • Steam clean wheel wells • Handwash • Complete interior shampoo • Interior/exterior windows Offer ends June 15, 1989. Call for your appointment today. I00[IAkll 0  0., ' Specializing in the complete, restoration of the interior and exterior of your car. 60 NW Gilman Bird, SuRe F. 392-6860 451-9 • Dress all vinyl • Machine buff • Hand polish • Most cars. Vans & trucks slightly higher